Martí Domínguez
He is a Valencian writer, specialising in narrative and essays. He won the Josep Pla Prize for his novel El retorn de Voltaire and the Òmnium Prize for Best Novel of the Year 2019 with L'esperit del temps. His novel La sega, in which he recreates Franco's repression of the Valencian masoveros (farmers), received several awards, including the Serra d'Or Prize and the Catalan Critics' Prize (2016).
In 2013, he received the Carles Rahola Prize for his essay El somni de Lucreci. A history of freedom of thought. Since 1999 he has edited the scientific research journal Mètode, for which he was awarded the National Journalism Prize in 2007. He is a tenured lecturer in Journalism at the University of Valencia, and his areas of research focus on the analysis of the discourse of opinion columns and the dissemination of science.

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